Tuesday, December 14, 2010

knowing when to "clean house"

I had mentioned before that I like to "clean house" on friends. I have done this for a very long time because sometimes friends drift apart, we change or they have an agenda. When I left my abusive situation I had come to the realization that I had to change people,places and things in order to completely move on. Sometimes its a healthy choice and sometimes we just do what we have to do which may seem selfish. It can seem selfish but we have to do whats best for us to heal and move on. I had to remove all "links" to my old life, much easier said than done. On certain aspects it was a little easier but as far as friends from the old neighborhood they made it pretty easy because I was now considered an outsider. They pushed me away which in turn I feel were never my friends to begin with. I change and grow every day so does my dreams,hopes and goals. Some friends change with us and some stay stagnant and the friendship becomes unhealthy. I've lost alot of friends along the way to my own demise but also because they weren't real friends to begin with. A true friend is there for you no matter what and vice versa, they cry with you when you're sad and kick you in the butt when you need it. They also do not make you feel bad when things in your life are going well and they are having a hard time. They are happy for you when things go right and sad for you when they dont. They DO NOT criticize you for your accomplishments,make you feel bad for good things in your life or only acknowledge you when they need something. Too many people in this day and age don't bother with other people and ironically I now know why. People have agendas, social appearances/standings or are aquaintances. No one knows how to be a true friend these days. People are/have been so closed off in their lives because they don't want any drama or be bothered with anyone else's crap. If they are your "friend" it has come down to "keeping up with the jones', what they can get from you/agenda, or aren't a real friend just someone to talk to till someone better comes along. Very few people will give you their shirt off their back anymore because eventually they will want the shirt back with interest. One thing I have learned in my healing that people are put in our lives for a reason, for that moment to help us deal with whatever we are going through but eventually there comes a time when you realize that your common ground is no longer common. So gradually you start to pull away.. It's not easy these days to find someone real that will stick with you through thick and thin because eventually it wears off..so tread lightly and go with your gut..

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